
Are You a Writer?

Do You Need Storytelling Help?

Fiction writing starts with our ability to create a story.

If you need help, you're in the right place to explore posts and topics about storytelling on Jami's blog, including story planningstory structure, and beat sheets.

(And don't miss the pages exploring the topics of Writing CraftCareer & Publishing, and Process & Miscellaneous posts.)

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Highlighted Posts within Storytelling Topics

Brainstorming, Planning, or Plotting the Elements of Our Story

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Posts about Story Planning

The Planning Your Story category of Jami's blog is filled with story planning tips and advice to give your story a strong start.

Sample topics:

* improving our storytelling skills

* making our stories more meaningful

* techniques for those who write by the seat of their pants

* deciding on story ideas, etc.

Below, check out the category's featured posts, as well as some of its latest posts.

For more posts on this topic, click the button at the bottom of this section to explore the whole category.

  • Story Planning

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Posts about Story Structure

The Story Structure tag of Jami's blog is filled with story structure tips and advice to ensure all the elements of our story work together.

Sample topics:

* building a story

* exploring the major and minor beats of a story

* developing story beats into a cohesive story thread, etc.

Below, check out the tag's featured posts, as well as some of its latest posts.

For more posts on this topic, click the button at the bottom of this section to explore the whole tag, and find more posts about each of a story's turning points and scenes — from prologuesstory openings, and bridging conflict to black momentsresolutions, and epilogues.

  • Story Structure

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Posts about Beat Sheets

The Beat Sheet tag of Jami's blog is filled with beat sheet tips and advice about how to use these important tools for ensuring our story has the necessary turning points.

Sample topics:

* what is a beat sheet

* how to use Excel with beat sheets

* how to place story events on beat sheets, etc.

Below, check out the tag's featured posts, as well as some of its latest posts.

For more posts on this topic, click the button at the bottom of this section to explore the whole tag, and find more posts like how we can use beat sheets with Scrivener.

  • Beat Sheets

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Posts about Character Arcs

The Strong Characters tag of Jami's blog is filled with character writing tips and advice to ensure readers want to follow our characters' journeys.

Sample topics:

* developing a character arc

* strengthening protagonists and villains

* how to layer character details and make them unique, etc.

Below, check out the tag's featured posts, as well as some of its latest posts.

For more posts on this topic, click the button at the bottom of this section to explore the whole tag, and find more posts like how to build a theme through a character's arc.

  • Character Arcs

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Additional Storytelling Resources

Other Favorites in Storytelling Topics

Jami's blog has tons of posts about storytelling, so she couldn't limit herself to just the Featured Posts in the above sections. Here are a few more favorite posts on the topics of storytelling, story planning, and story structure that she couldn't resist highlighting.

Other Helpful Tags in Storytelling Topics

Or want to refine these results? The Search page offers many filtering options.

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