Ready to Dig into Craft?
Get the Best Tips!

Whether you're looking for less-talked-about ways to improve your writing, or your story is ready for editing, you want only the best writing-craft tips.

Luckily, Jami has a Writing Craft Guide to help!

How This Guide Can Help You

Explore this collection of links to some of Jami's best posts about writing craft and copyediting tips, including articles that focus on:

  • improving the flow of our sentences (rhythmic writing, rhetorical devices, parallelism, etc.)
  • using verbs to strengthen our storytelling (meaning of literary past tense, when "was" isn't passive voice, etc.)
  • formatting our prose to make our meaning clear (character internalization, non-verbal communication, etc.)
  • discovering and developing our voice (balancing rules and creative use of voice, word choice, etc.)
  • tips from Jami's copy editor about grammar rules (and how to break them!) and more techniques to use through our copyediting process

Hi, I'm Jami, and I'm pathologically helpful.

So when I first started learning about writing over a decade ago, I blogged to share the tips, tricks, and advice I thought might help others. Now with over 1000 posts about writing and publishing, we might need direction to find the best posts about craft on my site.

That's where this guide comes in.

Jami Gold

Author & Mentor

Discover Creativity Unlocked

If you're tired of always seeing the same tips and advice about writing craft, this ebook might be just what you need. From using rhetorical devices and parallelism to understanding "literary past tense," these articles rise above the typical craft posts.

Available in either a downloadable PDF or an online (and mobile-friendly!) PDF format, this Resource Guide offers a collection of links with short explanations that will point you toward the most helpful of Jami's blog posts for those eager to improve their writing craft.

With a bit of direction toward unusual writing craft advice that can be adapted to work for you, your stories, and your unique goals, you can unlock your creativity!

*psst* Would you rather get access to all of Jami's free writing resources? Become a Member!

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Explore Jami's blog posts that are most helpful for digging into writing craft tips...

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