Want to Use Scrivener with Beat Sheets?
Learn Step-by-Step!

Can we use both Scrivener and beat sheets to organize our story and track our writing progress? Yes, but it can be tricky.

Luckily, Jami has a Scrivener Guide to help!

How This Guide Can Help You

Many writers like to draft in the Scrivener program for its flexible options. Beat sheets are a popular method of organizing our story and tracking our writing progress. Using them together gives us the best of both worlds.

  • How can we use beat sheets with Scrivener?
  • What are our options for Scrivener templates?
  • How do we import a template into Scrivener?
  • How can we add word-count targets in Scrivener? (includes a bonus worksheet to help with the math!)
  • Whether we plot our stories in advance or write by the seat of our pants (or we fall somewhere in between), we can use Scrivener and beat sheets together — taking the best of both tools.

Hi, I'm Jami, and I'm pathologically helpful.

So I offer many free beat sheets on my site for writers to track their story's structure, arcs, and pacing. When I learned about Scrivener templates, I knew that was how we could take the tracking ability of beat sheets into our Scrivener drafts. But working with Scrivener templates isn't simple, from the importing process to setting word count targets.

That's where this guide comes in.

Jami Gold

Author & Mentor

Discover Creativity Unlocked

Importing the tracking ability of beat sheets into how we draft with Scrivener can help us in many ways, from organizing our story's structure to creating word count targets. This ebook makes that process easy.

Available in either a downloadable PDF or an online (and mobile-friendly!) PDF format, this Ultimate Guide collects Jami's beat sheet and Scrivener insights to walk you through the step-by-step instructions of how to use them together.

With the right tools and techniques that work for you, your drafting process, and your unique goals, you can unlock your creativity!

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Learn how to set up Scrivener with the tracking abilities of beat sheets...

Cover to the Scrivener Templates Ultimate Guide