To increase reader satisfaction, we want to give our story meaning. How can we use foreshadowing to make our story feel purposeful and meaningful?

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What’s the Point of Foreshadowing?

To get from our opening pages to the rest of our story, can an Inciting Incident story beat help us? How is that beat different from the First Plot Point?

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What’s the Difference Between an Inciting Incident and a First Plot Point?

Of the many confusing words in the writing world, the worst might be the terms “scenes and sequels.” What’s the purpose of sequels and how do we write them?

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How Do We Use Sequels with Our Scenes?

Let’s talk unreliable narrators: What can they do for our story, how can we create them, and what are the pros and cons of using them?

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Unreliable Narrators: The Pros and Cons

We often learn how to develop our story’s plot separate from character arcs, but our story’s threads work in tandem. Here’s a way to ensure they intertwine.

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Weaving Story Threads Together — Guest: Rosie Danan